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What type of person are you? | Entry #3 (November 6, 2017)

Writer: Shareka FordShareka Ford

Today, started out pretty good I must say! I was able to get a lot done in the AM. Is it me or am I the only person who likes to clean up while everyone else in the house is sleeping? Well, that's what I do while using my Vlogging Camera to practice for upcoming Vlog ideas. I made breakfast in bed for the Hubster and I  managed to get myself a few hours of rest before the kiddos got up. Yay me!!! So where does the question come from..... What type of person are you? Well, I'm the type of person that when someone is in need if I cannot physically be there. You feel the presence of me being there. By offering words of encouragement, empowerment, enrichment and anything else positive that comes to mind. So here's the story, I have a friend whose suffering from Depression. The psychiatrist she's seeing had prescribed her Citalopram brand name Celexa. Now, with me having experienced bad things with this drug myself (another story for another day) I knew that she should take precautions when taking this particular antidepressant. So of course!  I told her to be careful when she was first prescribed this medicine. Now today, I was on the phone with her and everything appeared to be going well. Up until she started saying that her body felt numb. I felt like time had stopped when she said that because I did not know what to say or do. Then I heard the all so familiar Panicked voice...... I leaped right into action to let her know that she has to breathe through it all and remember to keep telling herself that she will be okay. I wanted to have her to allow the Panicked feeling to come and go. However, that did not happen at all it got worse..... Frantic! I thought to myself out of all the days I do not have my own vehicle to help my friend in need. So what I did..... I started texting other friends to see if they could offer assistance. When I realized that no one was close enough to my friend's location to offer assistance. I did what I know how to do best and that's to coach someone through a bad situation. During that time I was able to keep her calm long enough until someone was able to pick her up from her location. Now as I'm writing this I'm praying that my friend is okay because of this monstrous drug Citalopram she's in the hospital. So what type of person am I you ask? I'm the type of person that through thick and thin I will have your back spiritually and emotionally. No matter what you can depend on me, if your hurting I'm hurting, if you feel pain I feel pain, if you cry I cry, and that's just how I am and will always be. I will keep you guys posted on her status as soon as I receive one. Until Next Time........ Stay Blessed!!!!


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