Happy New Year's!!! I'm so happy to be in a New Year with all new beginnings. There's something about a New Year that makes me feel so refreshed and rejuvenated. Am I the only one who feels that way? This year I'm not doing what some people do.... I'm not planning to lose weight, have a baby, get married, make a new purchase or any of these things. What I plan to do is just go with the flow and see what new endeavors and adventures lie ahead. That way I won't be disappointed if I do not achieve a goal because I'm not setting a goal. At least not one that's not realistic..... I know it does not make sense... Let me go a little bit deeper into MY WAY of thinking. For an example, when I decided to lose weight last year.... I just went with the flow and I loss over 30 lbs. I did not set a deadline and I did not put unnecessary pressure on myself by saying I need to lose X amount of pounds before X date. What I realized by doing this is that I was happier and healthy and I did not feel stressed about losing weight. It made sense that if I apply this logic to other aspects of my life that I may achieve the same result. So I decided that for this year that exactly what I'm going to do. Only with a few things in my life.... Not all.... LORD knows not all things will work out this way. So for anyone whose planning on doing the same thing. We will meet back here in December and see how everything worked or did not work. Either way I'm entering this New Year with a positive mindset and refreshed way of thinking..... Removing all of the negativity and focusing on the positive only! Hang around like minded people and those who will uplift and motivate. Until Next Time.
