Sometimes, I wonder #whyaskwhy someone does something? To explain...... How does a woman or man #workfromhome, take care of a household and still find the balance in their lives? Well... Let's start the conversation there. It all depends on what you do for work, if you "LOVE" doing chores (find a person who likes this and I will say I have found myself a new maid to help me out - LOL) or finding the balance in their lives. For me this did not come without much #struggle and #practice. Let's start with the working from home part. I actually began this journey when my oldest was my youngest and my youngest was still in utero (yes if you look it up it will say this is the Spanish word for Uterus, but it also means before birth... Look it up if you don't believe me.. I know I had to google it too). Back to what I was saying.... I started working from home at first for supplementary income then after I had my son it somehow just became easier not to go back to a 9 to 5 and I became a full time #momprenuer or #businesswoman (whichever one you find suitable). So now, I have picked the career choices of my liking and I get to make the rules of when and how many hours I would like to put into my work. Of course, the big rule of thumb there is... You only receive as much as you put in. So yes! It does take a lot of work, #selfmotivation and #determination. However, I would not trade in my own hours for a 9 to 5 any day. Okay... So! Now for the taking care of a household and doing what you love... Ummmmm.... yeah.... I'm still working on this. I can honestly say there are many different aspects to this as well. Do I cook? 75% of the time (husband does 25%) .... Do I clean? 60% of the time, but my spouse helps whenever he feels that I may be overwhelmed or burnt out (so the other 40% goes to him - you're welcome love) .... Do I make sure our bills are paid on time? 99.9% of the time I do (I mean I'm not superwoman).... Do I make sure my kids have each of their needs taking care of and showing them unconditional love? 100% (no slacking here)..... I think you all get my point... So yea! I take care of what I need to if I forgot something just know it's taking care of. No one is perfect and I'm not going to pretend that I am because that would not be realistic but a lie! Last, but not least...... to find balance what I do is set deadlines, prioritize, write things down in my planner, ask for help when I need it (this one took time for me to do), rest when I need to and remember #Romewasnotbuiltinaday. Every time, I forget to work on a project or begin something NEW I set my mind out to do. To not get overwhelmed and to restore the "balance" in my life. I sit back and reflect on what's important and as soon as I do. That's when I pick up where I left off and things flow smoothly again. Just remember that you can do anything that you set your mind and heart out to do and just know when things get tough and you feel like giving up! Just remember someone is looking up to you and cheering you on from the sidelines. Yeah! I have that too.... Surround yourself with #positivepeople and #positivethings will happen. So, when you see a woman or man whose everything I stated in this blog post.... Remember this one thing..... Why ask why? Just know it may look easy from the outside looking in.... some days its not but in the end we get stuff done and who cares about the why, who, what, when and where and the how? Doesn't make sense, but someone reading this will understand.
So really........
Why ask why?
